
You are liable to nominate yourself under two categories


  1. This is a good acknowledgement for campus artist.

  2. Replies
    1. HypeMan Category is meant for Instagram voting. You can. Message us on 08100524026 (WhatsApp)

  3. This is a opportunity for youth to know their stand..It a good idea

  4. I know I have inserted my name more than two times due to change of name on Instagram, I am still the same person. I had to change my IG handler from woli_da_great to funny_dagreat because I just got a new management and that name was the first things they change. So woli_da_great is funny_dagreat but funny_dagreat is the real deal now 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


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